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Better money health starts here

Whether you want help with a specific issue or simply don’t know what you don’t know, if it’s money-related, a professional financial review may be just what you need.

A review is like a money MOT, and it can be invaluable regardless of your goals or priorities. We cover 18 key areas of financial and estate planning. Whether it’s something as simple as building good money habits, or things like growing and protecting your wealth or leaving a meaningful legacy, we’ll cover it. We offer the plain truth about your financial position, both the good and the bad. Where needed, we offer recommendations in a language you can understand and where impact can be clearly seen.

What we do for you

Help you understand what’s possible

The first step in planning for a successful tomorrow is getting a clearer picture of where you’re at today. So we start by gathering information on all the financial arrangements you currently have in place, then review these in our Planning Dashboard. This gives you a better understanding of your strengths and weaknesses, and the changes you could make to get closer to your ideal future.

Put the right controls in place

There’s no point making a plan if you don’t act on it, and we’ll give you the courage to do exactly that. You may need to take control of your spending habits or restructure your investments so you don’t run out of money too soon. Or you might need the reassurance that you’ve got enough to spend freely and without guilt. It’s your life, and the support we provide always reflects that.

Find efficiencies for growing wealth

When it comes to long-term financial success, the devil is in the detail. Once you’ve gained a clearer understanding of your finances and taken control, we’ll handle the often-overlooked matters that make a lasting difference. Things like tax efficiencies, pension and investment consolidation, and reduced insurance premiums allow you to wring every last drop of value out of your plan for efficient, effective wealth growth.

Your journey, made simple

If you think working with an adviser is all boring meetings and conversations about “the markets”, we’re not the right choice for you.

Our annual planning process is goals-led and focuses on the actions you must take to reach and maintain your financial freedom. Click or tap on the icons to explore.


Getting to know each other

From our very first conversation, you’ll notice that what we’re most interested in is you. We want to understand what you’re aiming for and why those things are important.

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Understanding your financial world

We’ll build your detailed planning model using our highly engaging software. This helps you and us understand what you have, and what it may mean for your future position.

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The financial plan

With a full understanding of your planning strengths and weaknesses, we’ll set out the steps you need to take to improve your position.

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Building your investment portfolio

Now we know what your various investments and pensions need to do for you, we’ll ensure they’re aligned with your goals.

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Dealing with other things

If there are any additional actions to be carried out, this is the time, and we’ll provide all the necessary guidance and support you need.

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Ongoing reviews

By far the most important part of our service is to keep everything under regular review. This helps you to maintain focus and ensures we react appropriately to changes around you.

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